March 29, 2012

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

A book about teenagers with cancer...not a very happy premise, but one you will want to read.  Hazel, a sixteen year old terminal cancer patient is forced by her mother to go to a support group meeting. One of the members, nearly blind Isaac, brings a friend, Augustus to a meeting. Hazel and Augustus discover each other, a friendship and romance ensues, and you can imagine the rest. The book doesn't disappoint. It will meet your expectations. But that is NOT why you should (or should not) decide to read this book.
Why should you read this book?  It is quite simply, beautifully written. Read this because John Green takes a plot that anyone can mostly predict, and makes it soar with language.  Read it and appreciate a well told story with rich, witty, and intelligent characters that you will relate to on many levels. Read it because it tackles many of life's questions. Read it because the book is so finely crafted, that even if its nuances are missed, it will be loved.
A good companion novel, is Last Summer of the Death Warriors by Francisco Stork. For mature readers because of mild sex and some strong language.
Reed Reads Score: 5

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