July 12, 2010

She's So Dead to Us by Kieran Scott

Ally Ryan, an athletically gifted 15 year old, has moved back to her hometown after a year's absence. Originally part of the rich elite, called the "Cresties", she is now a "Norm" and hated by her former friends. Her father, an investment banker, who lost his own as well as the fortunes of Ally's friends, moved Ally and her mother out of their mansion and then abandon them. Ally and her mom move back, now living in a condo. Allie visits her old house where she discovers a gorgeous jock, Jake, living in her old room. The chemistry between them is immediate, but strained, because his group of friends are those that hate Ally. Told in alternating voices between Ally and Jake, the story and romance between them is one of the difficulties of being a teen and standing up to or succumbing to peer pressure. While not my favorite genre, the book is readable, and some of the pranks Ally's friends pull are downright cruel. The ending is a cliffhanger, ensuring a sequel. For mature readers because of strong language that is part of typical teen dialogue.
Reed Reads Score: 3.5

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