August 8, 2006

Shakespeare Bats Cleanup by Ron Koertge

Kevin Boland is a star high school baseball player. He has been diagnosed with Mono, and must remain in bed for several weeks. His father, a professional writer, gives him a book that teaches the form and structure of poetry. Kevin decides to keep a journal to pass time, and does so experimenting with different forms of poetry. His writing becomes sensitive and introspective where topics range from baseball, to girls, and eventually to his sorrow over the death of his mother. A good quick read. Most of the novels (at least the ones I've read) that use the free verse format are written in a female voice. This book is a rare one, not only because it is written in a male voice, but because it explores different forms of poetry.  An English teacher could use this novel as a spring board for a poetry unit.
Reed Reads Score: 4
A sequel has been released; Shakespeare Makes the Playoffs

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